What is Harm Reduction?

Image of nasal Narcan spray in package

Saving lives and improving outcomes is our goal.

The National Harm Reduction Coalition defines Harm Reduction as "a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs."

What is Holler Harm Reduction?

We're a small, rural Harm Reduction organization based in Madison County, North Carolina. We work with folks who use drugs and the people who care about them to ensure safe use and reduce the rates of overdose, infectious diseases and injection related infections. We support drug users and believe in their autonomy. We aim to serve the community and the individual.

What We Do


Holler Harm Reduction distributes supplies throughout Madison County and North Buncombe to ensure sterile and safe drug use. This includes injection drug users, those who smoke or snort, and folks on Medicated Assisted Treatment. We offer information and trainings about safer using to our participants.

Some of the supplies we offer are...

  • Syringes for drug injection or hormone injection.

  • Sterile works like cottons, cookers, tourniquets, water.

  • First aid supplies such as alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment, sterile saline, gauze, bandaids.

  • Naloxone and fentanyl test strips to prevent opioid overdoses.

  • Personal care items like body wipes, soap, menstrual products.

  • Supplies for those who prefer smoking or snorting their drugs.

Overdose Prevention

When given access to Naloxone, individuals who use drugs reverse more overdoses than police and EMS. At Holler we believe in the health and wellbeing of folks who use drugs and that means ensuring that they have access to life saving materials.

At Holler we provide Injectable Naloxone and Nasal Narcan to reverse opioid overdoses. We will provide overdose reversal trainings for any person interested.

As overdoses can be traumatic events for those experiencing them and those reversing them, Holler also provides overdose follow up. Staff and volunteers will meet with folks directly to provide support, assistance and linkage to care they need.


Holler Harm Reduction is committed to advocating for drug users in the public sphere. We hope to achieve this through the identification and collaboration with supportive allies in Madison County. By working with individuals who support the rights and agency of people who use drugs, Holler works towards creating a community that supports the needs of all citizens in Madison County. This will be achieved through mutual respect, collaboration and the advancement of protocols to better support individuals using drugs.

Holler will collaborate with organizations, businesses and individuals seeking more inclusive policies to engage and support drug users.


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Responding to an Opioid Overdose


SAFE(R) Drug Use 101